Non-Surgical Gum Treatments

Are you experiencing problems with gum swelling, loose teeth, or infection? If so, we suggest that you call our office and set up an appointment today.

We offer non-surgical treatments in Tyler, Texas, that usually involves deep cleaning your teeth. A root planning and scaling treatment can eliminate the problem. We also have local antibiotic medications that can help with infection.

If you have the following symptoms, we ask that you come see us as soon as possible:

  • Red gums that bleed easily
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Changes in your bite or position of your teeth

If you are suffering from the above symptoms, you could have gum disease or periodontal disease. We wish to treat these conditions at the earlier stages of development, and if you see us as soon as you can, we might be able to transform your oral health back into tip-top shape.

If your gum disease is very advanced, Periodontal gum surgery might be necessary. To set up an appointment with your dentist at East Texas Dental Group, call our office today at (903) 509-0505.

East Texas Dental Patient

We're here to help you get the perfect smile.

Our team strives to make your visit to our office in Tyler, Texas, as pleasant and as comfortable as possible with relaxation techniques, oral conscious sedation, and nitrous oxide sedation. Our office is bilingual and our doctors treat people of all ages—both adults and children.

We do not limit ourselves with the amount of education we learn or by the services we provide. We are happy to give you the radiant smile you have always wanted! To learn more about our practice give us a call at (903) 509-0505.

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