We offer dental porcelain veneers in Tyler, Texas, to change your tooth’s size, shape, color, and length.
We utilize veneers that are wafer-thin, custom-made shells that cover the surface of your tooth to improve its appearance. These veneers are made of tooth-colored materials and closely mimic a natural-tooth look. They resist stains very well and require just a small amount of tooth removal.
There are many benefits to veneer placement. Those benefits include:
- The whitening of discolored teeth
- The restoration of worn down teeth
- The mending of chipped and broken teeth
- The ability of aligning your uneven and irregularly shaped teeth
- The filling of the apparent gaps between your teeth
The process of placing veneers generally takes two visits to East Texas Dental Group. The first visit will be your diagnosis and treatment planning stage. X-rays will be taken and your dentist will map out a plan so you understand how the treatment works and what the results will be.
The second visit will be the preparation of the tooth. This will include your dentist shaping your tooth to allow room for the veneer. Once the tooth is properly shaped, impressions will be made of your tooth and will be sent to the dental lab where your veneer will be custom made for you.
Your last visit will involve the bonding of the veneer to the tooth. Your dentist will check the fit and color of the veneer, and if it is perfect for you and your smile, it will be bonded into place.
Are you ready to improve your smile with veneers? Call our office today at (903) 509-0505 and set up an appointment!