Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is generally needed when decay has damaged or killed the nerve of a tooth. It can relieve toothache, stop infection from spreading, and promote healing. The process of receiving root canal treatment can include the following steps:

  • Your dentist will numb your gums with use a numbing gel and local anesthetic to help you be more comfortable. Sedation techniques or oral sedation are also available to help you relax.
  • Your dentist will clean out the infection in the tooth and treat it with dental medicine to promote healing and reject infection.
  • Your dentist will then fill the tooth with a substance that plugs the hole, which is most likely a dental filling.
  • After the treatment is completed, your dentist may place a crown over the tooth to protect and strengthen it.

Is it time to take care of that horrible toothache and pain in your mouth? Call East Texas Dental Group now and schedule an appointment at (903) 509-0505!

East Texas Dental Patient

We're here to help you get the perfect smile.

Our team strives to make your visit to our office in Tyler, Texas, as pleasant and as comfortable as possible with relaxation techniques, oral conscious sedation, and nitrous oxide sedation. Our office is bilingual and our doctors treat people of all ages—both adults and children.

We do not limit ourselves with the amount of education we learn or by the services we provide. We are happy to give you the radiant smile you have always wanted! To learn more about our practice give us a call at (903) 509-0505.

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